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Disaster Relief & Recovery

We support work in natural disaster preparedness, relief, and recovery with emphasis on communities prone to low-attention disasters.

Our grantmaking is dedicated to the relief of suffering associated with low-attention natural disasters. Through work in the areas of disaster relief, recovery, and preparedness, our partners support communities as they develop the organizing capacity and assets to withstand a natural disaster with less suffering, less dependence on outside support, and with improved recovery rates.

Our grantmaking aims to support people disproportionately impacted by natural disasters, including women, children, people with disabilities, and other marginalized groups. We aim to ensure that people historically excluded from disaster planning, management, and response are actively engaged in these efforts.

Our Disaster Relief & Recovery domain focuses domestically on the Midwest, including Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Kansas, Arkansas, and Missouri.

Internationally, we focus on seven countries that are especially prone to low-attention disasters. These include: Guatemala, El Salvador, Nepal, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Philippines, and Timor Leste.


Total Granted in 2023

Relief & Recovery

Day laborers and volunteers unload non-perishable foods from a truck during an emergency delivery by the Food Distribution Program in Oglala, S.D., on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, March 22, 2019. On Pine Ridge, extreme weather and bad roads have set off a humanitarian disaster that seems unlikely to abate soon. (Kristina Barker/The New York Times)

We focus on meeting the immediate needs of communities in the aftermath of low-attention natural disasters. Working through capable partners, our grantmaking helps reduce suffering and the loss of lives and community assets. This funding is pre-positioned with organizations to enable swift responses to natural disasters both internationally and in the Midwest region of the United States.

Program Stories:

The next generation of voices in disaster research

Midwest Preparedness

Materials on a table during a planning meeting of nonprofit organizations that respond to disasters in the Midwest

Our Midwest grantmaking helps organizations develop a culture of preparedness to reduce disaster vulnerability, foster self-reliance, and address disaster costs and impacts. This focus will reduce human loss and suffering, decrease economic loss, and enable faster recovery after a natural disaster.

Program Story:

Local food banks train and connect to manage times of crisis

International Preparedness

Two women in Bangladesh planning disaster response work in their community

Our international grantmaking supports communities as they develop a culture of preparedness to reduce disaster vulnerability, foster self-reliance, and address disaster costs and impacts. This focus will reduce human loss and suffering, decrease economic loss, and enable faster recovery after a natural disaster.

We support work in communities and geographic areas that are impacted by recurring low-attention natural disasters.

Program Stories:

Working together to support communities in the Dry Corridor

Women tackle the drought emergency in El Salvador

Saving lives through early action and locally-led response