Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies (MACP) announced that two new members have joined its Investment Committees. KC Connors and Leslie Hill-Meier were recently appointed to the Investment Committees for Margaret A. Cargill Foundation and Anne Ray Foundation, both of which operate under the umbrella of Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies.
KC Connors is Partner and Chief Consulting Officer at NEPC, leading the NEPC Consulting business and its team of 120 professionals. She founded NEPC’s Impact Committee and Women’s Leadership Forum and was instrumental in establishing its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Initiative in 2018. Prior to NEPC, KC was a Principal at Jeffrey Slocum & Associates, with a focus on hedge fund investment strategy, legal and risk management and human resources. In 2015, she was named one of the world’s most influential investment consultants by CIO Magazine, with recognition as a top ten consultant for her expertise in endowments, foundations, and healthcare. KC is a board member, Career Development Chair, and ESG Specialist for the CFA Society of Minnesota and has served in leadership roles on numerous boards.
Leslie Hill-Meier has worked in asset management and finance for nearly forty years, both in Europe and the United States. Most recently, she was at Record Financial Group for thirty years, first as Director of Client Relations, later becoming a board member, and finally spending four years as CEO before her retirement in 2024. Prior to Record, Leslie managed the worldwide Global Currency Corporate team at Merrill Lynch in the UK and was head of sales for Foreign Exchange Dealings at Lloyds Bank in New York. Leslie is currently Chairman of Trustees for a charitable Foundation she and a fellow Record Financial Group colleague established in 2010.
“We are extremely pleased to welcome KC and Leslie to our Investment Committees,” commented Heather Kukla, President at Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies. “They both bring deep expertise as well as diverse perspectives to the Philanthropies. Our Boards, fellow Investment Committee members, and the entire MACP Investment team look forward to drawing on their collective experience.”
The Investment Committees provide oversight for the investment portfolios of MACP’s two grantmaking entities and report directly to the Board of each entity. Among their responsibilities, the Committees oversee investment funds and the effectiveness of the investment structure and strategy, monitor risk within the portfolio, approve tactical asset allocation changes, and ensure appropriate resources are allocated to fund management.