The senseless killing of George Floyd is evidence of the underlying inequities and racism that continue to exist in our community and our country more broadly. The events that followed have highlighted the deep pain and anger within our community. The many demonstrations of solidarity, peaceful protests, and outpourings of support for the impacted communities were in stark contrast to the heartbreaking violence and destruction we saw in area neighborhoods.
As we move forward, Margaret A Cargill Philanthropies (MACP) will more formally examine the role equity and inclusion currently play and can play in our grantmaking. We will examine how issues of social inequity and racism show up in each of our grantmaking areas, what our grantee partners are already doing to address these issues, and how we can be part of those or other efforts.
In addition, MACP will be immediately increasing our funding support for work in our local community to address issues of racism and inequity, help prevent future violence, and help our community begin to heal. We anticipate working with our community foundation partners to put funds to work with well-positioned local organizations who are already doing this work on the ground.
We mourn the death of George Floyd and the pain that has ripped through his family, friends, and the entire community in the aftermath. We stand with our community and our grantee partners, and we believe we will make a difference, together.
Learn more about the increase in community funding referenced above here.